We welcome you to the MCKPC website. Our club began in the mid 1980s when several koi lovers got together and decided to combine their knowledge and experiences and encourage other koi and pond lovers to join them. The club became a part of the larger koi world when it joined the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association (PNKCA) and The Associated Koi Clubs of America (AKCA). Being a part of these larger organizations has afforded the club’s members a huge resource of knowledge, plus the company and friendships of others who also love this fun, if not at times daunting, hobby.
Our normal meetings are held once a month on the first Sunday at 1:00pm spring through fall, plus a Christmas party. In addition to these "Official" meetings, we have "Events". Examples of events would be: members inviting the club over for a relaxing visit, special seminars & presentations and events at local vendors. We always include interesting and educational topics on pond and koi keeping.
As in any koi club, our members’ ponds encompass a wide variety of styles, filtration and grades of koi—from the muttagoi (usually the much-loved favorite fish) to more expensive ones. Some members have goldfish only and are happy to have the lower-maintenance, less-expensive fish poking through the water lilies in their backyard water gardens.
We are a laid-back group that enjoys each other's company and would enjoy having you join us! Being a member of our club, you will receive access to the "Members" section on the website and e-mail announcements on items for sale, informative articles, news and activities about other northwest koi clubs. We also have some equipment we loan out to members only. Membership also affords you the ability to network with other members on ideas for pond building and koi keeping experiences. The annual Membership dues are $20.00.
For information contact Jan Jordan at MCK PC@jjspond.us. Sign up for her free Ponding Tidbits service where you can sell or give away your pond and gardening items. We are also located on Facebook, Mid-Columbia Koi and Pond Club.
Not a member yet? Visit our Member page for information on how you can join.
Mid-Columbia Koi and Pond Club are members of the the Associated Koi Clubs of America and the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association
Visit us on Facebook